Vilnius’ defense city walls on Bokšto Street […]
Tag: Bastion
The Defensive Wall of Vilnius
In 1503-1522, Vilnius was surrounded by a defensive wall. The construction of a brick defensive wall around Vilnius was provided for in the privilege of King of Poland and Grand Duke Jogaila of March 22nd, 1387, by which the Magdeburg Law was granted to the city […]
The Bastion of the Vilnius Defensive Wall (III)
The Bastion of Vilnius consists of three parts: a tower, a corridor-tunnel, and a casemate. The tower was built into the defensive wall. Behind the defensive wall, the hill naturally sloped down at a right angle […]
The Bastion of the Vilnius Defensive Wall (II)
The Bastion was Vilnius’ arsenal of weapons, ammunition, weapons supplies and gunpowder. The city’s magistracy was in charge of the arming and repairs of the bastion […]
The Bastion of the Vilnius Defensive Wall (I)
The Bastion, an artillery fortification, was built near Vilnius’ defensive wall in the first half of the 17th century […]