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All photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic
© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2019


Šiltadaržio St. is ending at Bernardinų St.Art Printing House Culture Center with the Theater in the streetIn the streeet, there is a Toy Museum and other cultural atractionsAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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Christmas Tree decoration at the Cathedral Basilica Square in Vilnius. The belfry is seen in the backgroundChristmas decoration in front of the principal building of the castle complex in Vilnius Old Town - Cathedral BasilicaCathedral Basilica of Vilnius is erected on the place of the pagan altar with a ceasred fire to the pagan god Perkūnas (god of Thunder)All photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2019
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The church is inconspicuous from the street, as its façade does not face the streetThe 51 meter-tall dome can be seen from seven Old Town streetsThe Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit is one of the most magnificent churches in Vilnius. It is an excellent monument of high and late Baroque All photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2018
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It is one of the most attractive Russian Orthodox churches in Vilnius: the exterior is a profusion of shining onion-shape domes; but the interior is remarkably serene. The interior's simplicity is interupted only by an elaborate iconostasis The internal space is created by two huge pairs of parallel semi-circular arches, intersecting at the top under the central dome which is also the main source of lightA panel on the right of the iconostatis depicts the two saints, both from noble families in the Middle Ages, to whom the church is dedicatedAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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One of the meeting rooms in the library for public lectures, book presentations and discussionsOne of the exibition hallsOne of the Reading RoomsAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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The church received its current form in 1738-1749 after fires in the cityThe church was rebuilted by Vilnius Baroque architect J. K. Glaubitz in the ornate Late Baroque style, and installed 24 altars insite The church bell tower received its current shape in 1737. The bell tower is 68 m tall. It is the tallest building in Vilnius Old TownAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2018
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The architect Michail Prozorov designed the rectangular building with three-walled apse according to the requirements of Karaim liturgyThe oriental-style exterior has a protruding central part and the onion-shaped dome over it. The distinctive exterior of the building emphasises its unique purposeIn 1949, the Kenessa, along with many other sacral buildings, was nationalized and closed down. In 1988, it was returned to the Karaim community. In 1993, it was re-consecrated and has remained open sinceAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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The Old Campus in the Old town - Rectorate building. On April 1st, 1579 the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Stephen Bathory issues a royal charter recognizing the Jesuit College into a universityThe Old Campus in the Old town - Rector's Office and former Astronomical Observatory building (right) and the Central Library building (left) with the Central Library Courtyard in front of the buildingsThe History Facutly building (left) and the Central Library building (right) with the arched gates to Mikalojus Dukša Courtyard (left) and Mathias Casimir Sarbievius Courtyard (forward). The Old Campus of the university has 13 courtyardsAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2018
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The building was noted for its stately late Baroque appearance. Michelangelo Palloni and Pietro Perti are thought to be the authors of the decorationsNoteworthy is an interesting Baroque pediment with a stucco bas-reliefA courtyard of the estate. Today, the buildings belongs to the Lithuanian Academy of Music and TheatreAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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The Church of the Heart of Jesus is a significant monument of Baroque (finished in 1756). It is the only Roman Catholic church in Lithuania to be built along a Greek Orthodox cross designThe church has a large octagonal cupola (dome) and a very reach the elegant exterior. The interior is no less magnificent, although it was severely damaged during the Soviet timeAfter 1945, a prison was established in the church and convent buildings. The church interior and the plan of the convent buildings were transformed. After 1990, the sacral buildings are returned to their former ownersAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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The north wing of the Library Courtyard with the building of the Faculty of History of the Vilnius UniversityThe entrance to the Central Library of the Vilnius University is decorated by the memorial door in 2001 for the 450 year anniversary of the first book printed in the Lithuanian language (1547)The main building with the main entrance to the Vilnius University with the Rector Office seen from the Library CourtyardAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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The silver cofin of St. Casimir is under a plaster canopy accompanied by relics. Under the cofin is a miraculous painting in a silver frame, with a silver statue with the saint's attributes placed on the cofin. The relief features a very rare depiction of a smiling Blessed Virgin Mary with Baby JesusIn the chapel there are eight silver-plated wooden Baroque statues of the Kings and Grand Dukes of Poland and Lithuania from the Gediminid and Jagiellon dynasties from the 17th centuryThree-Handed Image of St. Casimir c. 1520. This painting is considered to be miraculous. In 1743 the painting was put into a silver, gold-plated framing. St. Casimir is holding lilies and a rosary, which are his symbolsAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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The life and work of Dr. Jurgis and Marija Šlapelis reflects the life of the region of Vilnius from the second half of the 19th century to 1940. Both of them have been cultural figures in Lithuania. Marija was actress. They published Lithuanian books that were banned at that timeDr. Jurgis and Marija Šlapelis owned the only Lithuanian language bookstore in Vilnius during 1906-1949. The Šlapelis family bought the house in 1926. Before, it was a goldsmith's workshops, and later housed a small holet called the Hotel de Philadelphie, and a wine shop The building is an example of the 17-th century architecture. Dr. Jurgis died in 1941, and Marija in 1977 at the age of 97. After WWII, the house was nationalised, and, therefore, Marija Šlapelis was forced to live in two small rooms upstairs, with the only access to them through another person's quarters. Marija stipulated in her ...
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Wonderful panoramic view can be seen from the roof (platform) of Gediminas Tower (Upper Castle Tower)Despite wars and destructions, the architectural ensemble of Vilnius Old Town remains unique. Baroque domes and towers of Vilnius Old Town coexist with an irregular medieval city plan Vilnius Old Town is lacking German or Scandinavian features, rather reminiscent of Prague or Rome, Vilnius differs greatly from the other Baltic capitalsAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2019
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The entrance to the Knight Street in Vilnius Old TownA courtyard after the end of the Knight StreetThe end of the Knight Street (followed by the courtyard)All photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2021
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St. Lazarus' almshouse operated in this church, plague and famine victims were buried there. In 1715, the church and the monastery were given to the brethren of St. Rochus who tended to sick people, and in 1752 - to the sisters of MaryIn a cemetery at the church many outstanding people were buried, among others architect Laurynas Stuoka-Gucevičius. A memorial plaque to him is set up on the south façade of the church. However, later the cemetery was turned into a storage site of construction materialsThe church was severely damaged during a fire in 1794. The church was reconstructed and slightly transformed in 1801-1806. In 1864, the convent was closed down, and the buildings converted into a prisonAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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It was not until 1503 when Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland Alexander Jagiellon granted a privilege that the construction of the wall began. The year 1522 is considered to mark the end of the construction, when Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund the Old exempted the residents of Vilnius from the duty of keeping guard at the castle and ordered 24 guards to be posted at the city gatesThe length of the defensive wall was 2,5 kilometres having 10 gates. The wall surrounded the territory of today's Old Town, approximatelly 100 hectars. The foundation of the defensive wall was built of stone, and bricks were mainly used at the level of loopholes and higher. The was was adapted for defence with gunpoweder-operated firearms Until the late-18th century, the Vilnius defensive wall was frequently renovated. The wall served for the last time in 1794 during the uprising led by ...
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The palace has always been representional: rulers, kings, emperors and kings-to-be like Napoleon, Stanislaus August Poniatowski, Alexander I, Louis XVIII and others used to stay there on their visits to VilniusThe Soviets turned the palace into an officer's club later to be converted into Artist HouseIn 1939, when Vilnius had been part of Lithuania, plans to settle the Presidency in the palace were advanced. However, it was not until 1997 that these plans were carried outAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2020
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Vilnius University was the first observatory center in Eastern Europe and the 4th in the worldWhite Hall now houses unique astronomical instruments and a reading roomThe narrow staircase leads to the observatory tower, which reveals a panorama of the Vilnius Old TownAll photos are copyrighted by Vladislav B. Sotirovic© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2023
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Tour № 1 – Šventaragis ValleyCathedral Basilica of St. Stanislaus & St. VladislausCathedral Basilica of St. Stanislaus & St. Vladislaus (inside, including the Chapel of St. Casimir, the Chapel of Deportees, the Gasztołd Chapel, the Royal Chapel, St. Wladislaw/Vladislaus/Ladislav Chapel, High alter, Memorial plague to the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas Magnus, the Sapieha Madona’s picture, etc)Cathedral Basilica Bell TowerRoyal Palace of Lithuania (the Palace of Grand Dukes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania)Upper CastleUpper Castle’s West (Gediminas) TowerOld Arsenal – Museum of Applied ArtNew Arsenal – Lithuanian National MuseumMonument to King Mindaugas (1236-1263: Crowned King on July 6th, 1253)Monument to Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas (1316-1341: the founder of Gediminian-Jagiellonian ruling dynasty)Tour № 2 – Vilnius University & Monastery QuarterVilnius University – Historical Campus (est. 1579)Vilnius University – the Bronze door of the Central LibraryVilnius University – Historical Campus (inside, including 12 university’s courtyards, Domus Philologiae, Smuglevičius Hall, White (Observatory) ...
Continue ReadingŠiltadaržio St. in Vilnius
Vilnius Christmas Tree
Church of the Holy Spirit & Former Dominican Monastery (Exterior)
The Russian Orthodox Church of St. Michael and St. Constantine
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (Inside)
St. Johns’ Church
The Kenessa of Vilnius – Karaite sanctuary
Vilnius University Est. 1579
Słuszki Estate in Vilnius
Church of the Heart of Jesus and the Convent of the Visitationists in Vilnius
The Library Courtyard of the Vilnius University
Chapel of St. Casimir (interior)
The Šlapelis House Museum
Vilnius Old Town Panoramic View
The Knight Street in Vilnius
Church of St. Stephen
The Defensive Wall of Vilnius
The Inner Courtyard of the Presidential Palace in Vilnius
Astronomic Instruments at the White Hall at Vilnius University
Vilnius – Guided Sightseeing Tours